What Are Dental Implants?

Marzo 14, 2023
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They allow you to keep your natural teeth and avoid having to wear dentures or other types of removable oral appliances. Dental implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, as well as support a bridge or partial denture.

The implant itself is made from titanium, which is a metal alloy that's biocompatible with human tissue (meaning it doesn't cause any adverse reactions in the body). The bone graft material used will depend on what kind of procedure you need: if you're getting an immediate loading implant, then you'll likely have bone graft taken from another part of your mouth (the palate); if not, then a synthetic material called hydroxyapatite may be used instead--this comes from cow bone marrow cells grown in culture dishes using cow serum as an ingredient!

Why Consider Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a great choice for patients who are looking to improve their oral health and appearance. They offer a number of benefits that can help you get the smile you've always wanted, including:

Improved strength and durability. Dental implants are made from titanium, which is strong enough to support your bite without breaking down over time like other materials used in dentures or bridges. This means that they won't loosen or fall out as easily as other types of restorations do, which can cause pain when eating certain foods or speaking clearly.

Improved comfort level while chewing food items like steak or nuts that might otherwise be difficult for those with weaker jaws to missing teeth (or even just one!). The stability provided by having an implant means there's less risk of biting into something hard enough for it break through your gum line--which could lead up bleeding gums around existing teeth before needing serious medical attention at an emergency room!

The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone to replace missing teeth. The procedure can be done in two stages: first, a titanium implant is placed into the jawbone, and then a crown or bridge is attached to it later on.
The first step involves removing any remaining tooth structure that's still attached to your gums (if there's any). Then, an incision will made inside your mouth where the implant will go; this is usually done under local anesthesia so that you don't feel pain during surgery. After this incision has been made, small holes are drilled into both sides of your jawbone where each new tooth will sit once it's been inserted into place with screws and cemented down by an oral surgeon trained specifically for dental procedures like these ones! Once all four holes have been drilled out evenly throughout each quadrant (or section) of bone tissue surrounding...

The Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants is often a major factor in deciding whether to get them or not. But it's important to note that there are several factors that can affect the total price, including:

+ Your dentist's fee for placing the implant(s) and other associated services.
+ The type of implant you choose (there are many different types).
+ How many teeth need replacement and what kind of restorations you want on those teeth (crowns, bridges, etc.).
If you're interested in getting dental implants but don't have insurance coverage for them, financing options may be available through your dentist or an outside lender such as CareCredit or Lending Club.

Dental Implant Maintenance

+ Proper oral hygiene.
+ Avoiding smoking as possible.
+ Use your occlusal splint overnight.
+ Have performed dental prophylaxis every 6 months -max. every 12 months- in your home country.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, and the average lifespan of dental implants is 20 years. However, there are some factors that can affect how long your implant will last and what you can do to extend its life. The quality of care you receive during the initial surgery will have an impact on how long your implant lasts. A well-trained dentist or oral surgeon who uses high quality materials and follows proper protocols can help ensure that your dental implants last longer.

Your oral health habits are also important in determining how long your dental implants will last: keeping good oral hygiene habits, visiting us regularly for routine cleanings/checkups and making sure we remove any plaque build-up from around them will help prevent infection from occurring around them.*

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

If you're considering dental implants, the first thing to do is schedule a consultation with your dentist, even virtual. During the appointment, they will examine your mouth and discuss treatment options are best for you.

Dental implants are an excellent option for many people who want to replace missing teeth, recover or improve their smile. However, not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants; it's important to discuss this with your dentist before making any decisions about treatment options. Your dentist will perform an oral exam on each tooth that needs replacing so he or she can determine if there are any problems with the surrounding bone structure and how much time has passed since the tooth was lost (this can impact how well the implant will integrate into surrounding tissue). If everything checks out during this initial examination, then it's time to talk about whether or not getting dental implants is right for you!

Finding a Qualified Dental Implant Surgeon and Prostodontist

If you're considering dental implants, it's important to find a qualified dental implant surgeon. And furthermore, also a prostodontist. The implan surgeon places de titanuim implant and the prostodontist places crowns on them. The prostodontist will at the end be responsible for your smile and finial result.

The following information will help you find the right dentist for your needs:

+ Ask friends and family members for recommendations. If they have had good experiences with their dentists, ask them how they found their doctors in the first place. Were they referred? Did someone recommend that particular dentist?
+ Check out online reviews from patients who have been treated by your potential candidates. Read through comments about each doctor's bedside manner and treatment plan options before making an appointment with him or her for consultation purposes only (you won't be able to receive any treatment until after all necessary tests have been performed).
+ Look at whether or not the practice accepts your currency or credit option--this can save both time and money!

As a final conclusion, Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. They're also beneficial for people who want to improve their smile and confidence, as well as those who are looking for an alternative to having dentures.
Dental implants can last a lifetime, but they require regular maintenance by your dentist. If you're interested in learning more about dental implants or would like to schedule an appointment with us at our practice in Colombia, please contact us today! (Ask for the lodging included option)
